Sport, work, leisure activities... it happens very frequently, in very different contexts, that traditional technical clothing reaches its limits and is no longer effective, with the consequence that thermogenesis no longer works.

Thermogenesis refers to our body's production of heat. This process takes place when our body temperature begins to fall below the optimum temperature for your body to function properly.
In humans, the usual body temperature is around 37° C, but can vary between 36.1° and 37.8°. This constant depends not only on your age, height and weight, but also on where the temperature is taken.
Thermogenesis is influenced by diet, stress, fear, hormones, cold, medication, drugs and alcohol.
There's thermogenesis linked to physical activity. Physical exercise is accompanied by heat production. For muscles, heat production is not only metabolic in origin, but can also be due to contraction or relaxation.
In the case of food, dietary thermogenesis is influenced by the nature of the macronutrients consumed. In fact, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and even alcohol are responsible for varying degrees of dietary thermogenesis. Digestion is proportional to the amount of energy consumed.
Finally, there's the thermal thrill, which kicks in quickly and creates heat. This increases the level of thermogenesis by three to five times compared to the resting level. The phenomenon varies from one individual to another, being triggered at different temperature thresholds. Shivering ceases when carbohydrate reserves are exhausted.
The limbs furthest from the body in terms of blood flow, such as the feet and hands, suffer first from the cold.
This unpleasant sensation is signalled to our brain and triggers an influx of energy intended to warm them up, without success for the most sensitive.
This gradually leads to a sensation of cold throughout the body.
But heated garments provide warmth when clothing reaches its limits. Conventional clothing is designed to keep you warm. When the body's own heat is no longer sufficient, heated garments come into their own. As well as keeping you warm, it creates heat to compensate for thermogenesis, which no longer functions.
What's more, heated garments can be used both as garments and as heaters.

G-Heat then offers you heated socks and heated insoles through the vests, heating jackets, heating jacketsand heated gloves and even a heated blanket to combat the cold.
The brand has specialized its range to offer gloves suitable for bikersto hunters practitioners of winter sports orriding...